"Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының Зеренді ауданы бойынша білім бөлімі Мәлік Ғабдуллин ауылының негізгі орта мектебі" коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
  Коммунальное государственное учреждение  «Основная средняя школа села Малика Габдуллина  отдела образования по Зерендинскому району  управления образования Акмолинской области»

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Сыныптан тыс іс-шара: "Spelling bee"

Сыныптан тыс іс-шара: "Spelling bee"

Сынып сағатының мақсаты:

-оқушылардың ағылшын тілін үйренуге деген қызығушылығын қолдау және дамыту;

- оқушыларды сөздік қорын оқуға және кеңейтуге ынталандыру;

- дарынды балаларды анықтау және қолдау.


- оқушылардың орфографиялық дағдыларының қалыптасуын тексеру;

- тыңдау дағдыларын дамыту;


Dear Ladies & gentlemen we are glad  to  see you on our 1st Annual Competition !

The rules of the Competition:

The competition consists of 2 parts:

 1. Practice Round: (Round 1) Each student will spell one practice word. There can be more than one practice round if the group is small and consists of younger students. No one is to be eliminated from the competition as a result of a practice round.

2. Spellers Remaining: a) Fourth and third places will be determined by the next spellers to be eliminated. All four spellers complete each round. When one contestant misspells a word they are declared fourth. The next speller to make an error will be declared third. b) If two (or three) contestants misspell a word in the same round there will be a consolation spell-off between those students to determine third and fourth places. They will continue to participate in the following rounds until one of them misspells another word.

1. Pray, congratulate students, check attendance. Students face the spelling master and judges, not the audience. Tell contestants that the words will not be in the same order as the lists the students studied. Words the students have not studied will be used if the competition warrants it. The Spelling Master (SM) should explain clearly to the contestants the SAY - SPELL - SAY procedure to be followed. Judge #1 calls out students by name and the student stands. As each word is given to a contestant, the student should repeat the word, spell it out slowly and distinctly, and then repeat the pronunciation of the word (example): SM: “TABLE” STUDENT: “TABLE” “T-A-B-L-E” “TABLE” NOTE: a) Failure to say-spell-say will not eliminate the speller but it will reduce problems with arbitrating. b) Canadian spellings are preferred but a student who will not be eliminated if he/she uses an American spelling.

2. The SM does not have to give the word in a sentence unless there is any possibility of misunderstanding such as homonyms, verb tenses, similar words and plurals. Before beginning to spell, the student may ask for the definition, sentence or pronunciation to be repeated. Reasonable time should be given to the contestants to give their answer. The SM should give a few seconds to the student before declaring the word correct or incorrect in case a contestant having started to spell a word may stop and start over, retracing the spelling from the beginning. This is allowed once.

 3. When a word is misspelled, the spelling master will say, “Sorry, that is incorrect,” then correctly spell the word for the contestant, and give the next word to the next speller. If in doubt, err on the side of the student.

4. The SM needs to use their judgement when no students are being eliminated. Move on to more difficult words. Words can be checked off when used. Please follow the order of the words as much as possible. If a word “sticks out” as being much easier than other words in the difficult and unpublished words skip it.

Teacher: It was exciting! Now, it's time to take stock. While summing up, your attention will be presented a video! ( summed up all the others at that time watching the video)

When results will be announced announce the winner and handed the letter

Жаңартылған күні: 24.09.2020 20:00
Құрылған күні: 24.09.2020 20:00
